School Board


​​The Holy Spirit School Pastoral Board provides advice to the Principal on issues impacting on the operation and development of the school. The Principal consults with the Board in developing school policies, enhancing faith within the school community, negotiating capital works projects and establishing the strategic direction of the school. The School Board meets on a monthly basis to discuss and provide feedback on current issues, activities and policies impacting on Holy Spirit School.

The School Board provides advice to the Principal as representatives of the wider community - It has a consultative role but does not have authority to govern or make exclusive decisions about the school administration or direction.

The Holy Spirit School Pastoral Board consists of the school principal, the Holy Spirit Parish priest, teacher, parent and parish representatives.

Members of the 2025​ School Board are:

  • Rev Louis Antonio Diaz Lamus CS (Parish Priest)
  • Bianca Murphy (Principal)
  • Veronica King (Assistant Principal of Religious Education)
  • Gabrielle Yates (Primary Learning Leader and Support Teacher of Inclusive Education)
  • ​Dave Seeney
  • ​Trudy Mazucco
  • Nicholas Allen-Waters
  • Richard Austin