At Holy Spirit School we value collaboration as a key component in providing the best educational outcomes for all students (Education Council, 2019, p. 4). Learning as a partnership with parents, carers, community members, and between educators play an important role in nurturing each student's holistic development (Education Council, 2019, p. 3).
Aligned with the Alice Springs (Mparntwe) Declaration (2019), Holy Spirit promotes collaborative practices in nurturing all students to develop their resilience and to form and maintain positive and healthy relationships (Education Council, 2019, p. 6).
At Holy Spirit School, your child's educational journey will be nurtured across collaborative learning spaces, engaging inquiries to develop their critical and creative skills, and positive partnerships with their peers, teachers and wider community fostered on an inquisitive learning culture which is responsive and adaptive to new ways of thinking (Education Council, 2019, p. 7).
The Australian Curriculum serves as the national framework for education. It is designed to provide a comprehensive and consistent foundation for students from Foundation to Year 12. Structured around key learning areas including English, Mathematics, Science, Humanities and Social Sciences, and Health and Physical Education, it emphasises essential skills, knowledge, and understanding. The curriculum also incorporates cross-curricular priorities, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures, Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia, and sustainability.
With a focus on critical thinking, creativity, and digital literacy, the Australian Curriculum aims to prepare students for a globally interconnected future.
The curriculum at Holy Spirit Primary School is organised around the following nine key learning areas:
Religious Education (Brisbane's Religious Education Curriculum)
History and Social Science (HASS)
Cultural Literacy and Languages other than English (LOTE) - Chinese
Health and Physical Education
The Arts (Media, Music, Visual Arts & Design, Drama & Dance)
In addition, all students from Prep to Year 6 at Holy Spirit School engage in weekly enrichment S.T.E.A.M (Science, Technology, Engineering Arts, and Music) integrated lessons. Lessons are designed by a specialist S.T.E.A.M teacher to nuture our students' critical and creative skills required now and into the future.
Educational Philosophy and Aims
The holistic development of each student at Holy Spirit School is informed by our educational philosophy and aims embedded through Brisbane Catholic Education's Learning and Teaching Framework built on our values and beliefs. It aligns with the Alice Springs (Mparntwe) Declaration (2019), supporting all members of the community to transform lives (Education Council, 2019, p. 3).
Through our vision to Teach, Challenge and Transform as a Catholic Christian Community, our Gospel values are foundational to actions and behaviours, empowering our learners and members of our community to shape and enrich our world.
Australian National Curriculum (Version 9.0)
Curriculum offerings at Holy Spirit School are diverse, providing a range of teaching and learning opportunities from the Australian Curriculum (Version 9.0). This includes the integration of General Capabilities and Cross-Curricular Priorities of the Australian Curriculum.

Alice Springs (Mparntwe) Declaration (2019)
Our students' learning experiences are shaped through effective curriculum implementation and evidence-based pedagogical practices. Aligned with the Alice Springs (Mparntwe) Education Declaration (2019), Australian Curriculum, and Brisbane's Religious Education Curriculum, Holy Spirit's delivery of the Australian Curriculum's (Version 9.0) educational program support and promotes equity and excellence in improving educational outcomes for Holy Spirit's students.
For further information on the Alice Springs (Mparntwe) Declaration, please click on the link below: